Herbal Medicine



Chinese Herbal formulas have been used for centuries to treat everything from the common cold to bleeding disorders.  Herbal medicine can be used alone or in conjunction with acupuncture treatments.  After detailed questions and physical examination a formula will be made specifically for the patterns that you are currently presenting.  For acute conditions a new formula may need to be adjusted every week.  For chronic diseases, ailments or constitutional patterns, an herbal formula can be prescribed for two to four weeks at a time.

We use only the highest quality of herbs that are independently tested for quality assurance.  The herbs come in concentrated powder form that are as easy to make as instant coffee.  The formula can also be encapsulated at your request for a small additional charge.  Unlike many prescription drugs Chinese Herbs address both the symptoms and the cause of the disease.

An herbal formula will be prescribed and recommended during each acupuncture appointment.  You may also book an appointment specifically for an herbal formula.