Womens Health Services



Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine can help a woman transition smoothly through her many cycles.  PMS, pre and postpartum, and menopause are often large obstacles that can be helped with Oriental Medicine.

Anxiety, fatigue, irritability, depression, insomnia, head aches, PMS, dysmenorrhea, and menopausal symptoms are just some of the conditions effectively treated with herbal medicine.

For many women these issues start from pregnancies, childbirth, or blood loss through monthly heavy periods. The body is not able to keep up with the continuous loss of vital nutrients and health issues arise. When treating this pattern it is necessary to stop the heavy bleeding, supplement the body with blood building foods, and heal the digestive system so it can absorb the nutrients and turn them into rich blood. Traditional Chinese Medicine classically says that the richness of the blood gives richness to life!

Iron and iodine are essential for replacing lost blood. Eat legumes, green and red vegetables, yams, whole grains, spirulina, and seaweeds like kelp and dulse. Vitamin C increases Iron absorption and can be found in cabbage, peppers, broccoli, sprouts, and parsley.

Blood loss is one of the most common reasons for many women’s health issues, but it’s not the only one and that’s why I treat each person as an individual and we will talk at length so I can diagnose the root of your problem.

I’m a licensed acupuncturist and board certified herbalist. I use the highest quality herbs to customize time tested natural herbal formulas from Traditional Chinese Medicine for you.  Call today for your FREE consultation and learn how I can help you feel better!   435-650-2302

We also offer a complete Pregnancy Package.  Check it out!