What is Moxabustion?

Moxa or mugwort is a Chinese herb that is used often during an acupuncture treatment. If you step into our clinic you’ll most likely get a whiff of it’s heavenly aroma. Moxa is used to warm the body, move stagnation, build the blood, and stimulate the bodies natural healing abilities during an acupuncture treatment. This is called moxabustion. There are many techniques that Tera uses to do this and he determines the treatment method based on the individual patients needs.Moxabustion is a painless treatment method that is used in the treatment of fatigue, fibromyalgia and pain syndromes, certain musculoskeletal injuries, sinus problems, arthritis, digestive disorders, women’s menstrual issues, and even turning breech presentation babies just to name a few.

Scroll through the pictures to see the different methods in using moxabustion.

Is there anything else you’d like to know about moxabustion?




